Thursday, January 26, 2012

Girl Survives Solely on Chicken McNuggets - Will Probably Die Soon

Daily MailA teenage girl who has eaten almost nothing else apart from chicken nuggets for 15 years has been warned by doctors that the junk food is killing her. Stacey Irvine, 17, has been hooked on the treats since her mother bought her some at a McDonald’s restaurant when she was two. Shocked doctors learned of her habit when the factory worker, from Castle Vale, Birmingham, collapsed and was taken to hospital after struggling to breathe. Miss Irvine, who has never eaten fruit or vegetables, had swollen veins in her tongue and was found to have anaemia. Medics gave her a series of injections and started her on an urgent course of vitamins. But, despite being warned that she could die if she sticks to her nugget addiction, she still can’t resist the fast food. Miss Irvine, who prefers McDonald’s treats but also enjoys KFC’s, told The Sun: ‘I am starting to realise this is really bad for me.’ One of her favourite pastimes is sharing 20 nuggets and a portion of fries with her boyfriend.

The grim reaper is emptying out a cubby hole for this bitch as we speak. 100% she'll be dead in a month. How she hasn't died already is absolutely beyond me. I mean, it's normal to walk into a Dunkin' Donuts every morning and have the staff know your order before you even open your mouth because it's COFFEE and you get it everyday like every other warm blooded citizen. But to walk into a Mickey D's and have Domingo the two toothed nugget shoveler have your 9 piece ready for you out of straight habit is profoundly fucked up. At this point that's gotta be part of the staff's opening side work when they get in in the morning. Wipe the counters, Mop the floors, spit in the mayonnaise bucket and fire up Stacy Irvine's hot and tasty nuggie breakfast.

I love how her "favorite pastime" is splitting a 20 piece with her boyfriend. Some people enjoy quilting, the outdoors, training for tri-athalons, taking night classes or collecting bugs, but nope! Not Stacey, she likes nothing more than stuffing her face with the lions share of almost 2 dozen fake pieces of chicken with the man of her dreams. The kid is probably a vegan who thought this chick was hot and got in way over his head when things moved too fast too soon. Now he's ignoring his dietary restrictions and choking down nuggets just to have something in common with this girl so he can keep bangin' her. The things we do for a good old fashioned hummer.

P.S. Why the hell isn't Stacey 900 pounds of pure fat cells and goo? I eat mcnuggets like once every two years and I'm still fundamentally out of shape. Sure, her arms are scud missiles, but the rest of her seems to be fairly healthy...Oh, other than the fact that she's dying.

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