Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chris Fairbanks RULES!

Chris Fairbanks shares with us his unforgettable moves at the "End of Sex". Must be nice. The End of Sex is the easy part. It's the beginning of sex that I have trouble with. It's definitely hard to get strangers to have sex with you. It's probably easier to get them to go for a ride in your car, and since that usually leads to rape anyways, I think there's a loop hole in their logic.

Don't get me wrong, I also struggle with the middle of sex. I usually only make it to the mid-point before I pull out, blow a whistle, and yell "Half-time" like a soccer referee. She expects to take a 5 minute break and suck down some orange wedges and gatorade, but instead I lean over and fill up 50% of a tall glass with pre-mature-ejaculatory-pancake batter.

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