Monday, October 11, 2010

Tom Rhodes Midget Cruiser

Good Ol' Tommy Rhodes. Guy's the tits. Really funny dude. He seems to think a PT Cruiser is a midget hearse. Loophole alert: Midgets don't die. I've never even heard of a midget death. They're like gnomes, they live for ever. What could go wrong in such a small body...All medical complications are contained, like a crib for disease. It's safe in there.

Due to a shifty size differential, you'd miss if you tried to shoot a midget, miss if you tried to swing a baseball bat at a midget, and miss if you tried to roll a boulder at a midget.

Plus even if one did die, there'd be no hearse involved. 6 of his friends would put on sleeping caps and burlap boots and carry him to a field in a glass box. Hi, Ho.


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