Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sheng Wang Is Funny

Comedian Sheng Wang's stand up special aired last night (Jan. 28th) on Comedy Central. I was blown away. This guy is fucking hysterical. Well done, Sheng. Well done, indeed.

Here, he talks about his buddy who has been having wet dreams lately, amongst other things.
Sheng Wang - Next Level
JokesJoke of the DayFunny Jokes

I still don't understand why in God's name they're called "wet" dreams? When you fire one off into your egyptian cotton sheets, the LAST feeling you'd use to describe your new scenario is "wet". It's 100% more muggy than anything else. Maybe clammy? "I had a bodily adhesive dream last night" would be a little more fitting.

Water is wet. Splooge is like rubber cement. I don't think we'd appreciate the mix up very much in any other aspect of life. If you ask for a wet nap at Red Lobster and the waiter hands you a paper towel covered in "kids" you're probably gonna wanna have a word with the manager...After you finish your North Pacific King Crab Leg Sampler. Which are basically paper mache chunks sprinkled with imitation crab juice and fresh squeezed lemon.

Be on the lookout because this Sheng Wang character is about to pop!

Did someone say pop?

Sorry, I had to. It's like a bad car accident. No matter how many times I watch this video I can't stop puking violently all over myself. How the fuck does something like this even exist in nature? It's inexplicable. The puss comes out like fucking toothpaste. The blood loss is way past significant. Something tells me this chick has done this before though. She's a pro. She's claimed more whiteheads than the guillotine. She's a perfect 59 - 0. Not a single blemish on her record.

How did the CEO of Oxy Clean not hang himself in his office after he saw this? He should have made THAT video as a follow up and called it "The Ultimate Surrender." His suicide note would have started out--"Our pads are no match. The end is near. Save yourselves."

Here's a BONUS Sheng Wang clip to soften the blow. GOODWILL RULES!

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