Tuesday, January 25, 2011

DATA: The Robot Comedian

FOR THE CRACK UP'S 100th Post I figured something a little different would be in order.

This has got to be easily one of the coolest fucking things I've ever seen. Heather Knight, a Carnegie Mellon Robotics student, has developed an actual joke telling robot that responds to audience feedback. FUCKING AMAZING. Heather Knight isn't so bad herself. Although, robotics students scare the ever living shit out of me. She looks a little high strung. I don't even want to know what she does to relieve stress while she's burning the midnight oil tinkering in her lab. I can't imagine the countless number of electronics she's tried to put in her cha-cha. Is that why Ipod Nano's keep getting smaller? Better fit?

Rick Moranis would cream his tree bark brown khakis if he saw this video. "HoneyIShrunkTheKidsButIAlsoBlewAWadInMyBritchesBecauseThisVideoIsSoFuckingHOT"

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