Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dov Davidoff: To Each His Fucking Own

Hilarious New Jersey comedian Dov Davidoff flies off the fucking handle when his girlfriend says stupid shit. I can definitely relate, Dov. The other day my fiancee told me that she wants to open up a restaurant called Quiche Queen, claiming that it would be a healthy, competitive alternative to Burger King.

When I tried to calmly explain to her that Quiche's aren't even really that good for you she threw a bitch fit. She stomped around like a 4 year old and called me a pompous douchebag. She slapped me across the face and told me to quit crushing her dreams.

"DREAM????", I said, "You've literally had this idea in your brain for less than 4 minutes."

Then she threw her engagement ring back into the Cracker Jacks box, and oozed off into the other room like a troubled Blobfish..........Twat.

The face of a grown woman who has no fucking clue that Quiche's are high in cholesterol.

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