Sunday, February 27, 2011

Shane Mauss's Best Christmas Ever

Wisconsin funny man Shane Mauss GETS A BLOWJOB FROM SANTA! Lucky bastard...

I just think Kringle is too jolly to give a good beej. Everyone knows the best blow jays come from girls with a splash of hate in their hearts. You kinda have to strongly dislike yourself as well as the world around you at least a little in order to even consider putting a penis inside of your mouth. I can't imagine his wife gargles a mean coin purse either. I don't think she's been on the "naughty" list since 1942. Talk about the deadest sex life of all time. He's so busy making toys for the boys and girls that I don't think he's been stuck in her chimney since "Cotton Eyed Joe" was climbing the Billboard Top 100. I can't say I blame him. Who would want to fill this up anyways?

Am the only one who thinks it'd be pretty funny is this is what Santa jerked off to?

Just a hot chick but in the same exact clothes. Come on Nick. Use your goddamn imagination. Can't anything else get you 94% blood flow besides red gaberdine and mittens? It's cold in the north pole right? Shouldn't he be familiar with by now?

I'll show you THE ONE GUY that would bang Mrs. Clause...

This creepy geezer is CLASSIC! But I think we're missing the big picture point here...The fine for ranglin' up a hooker in Oklahoma City is ONLY $1200????? This looks like a job for Priceline NEGOTIATOR. See ya in the sooner state, suckers.

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