Monday, March 21, 2011

Jim Gaffigan Is Not A Happy Camper

The always hilarious Jim Gaffigan hates camping. It's just that simple.

I couldn't possibly agree more. It's not really the bears that bother me. It's the fucking blatant ineffectiveness of citronella candles and how much trust people put in those goddamn things. What kind of racket is that? The citronella candle CEO's are sitting around a giant wooden table right now maniacally laughing and counting the most bloated stacks of cabbage you've ever seen while we sit at our shoddy, paint chipped, campsite picnic table scratching our heads....and our goddamn bug bitten legs.

They are sold in buckets for fuck's sake. Nothing good comes in a bucket besides happy hour beers, and sometimes anchovies before they're fed to Sea World seals. Mosquitoes are gonna get to your flesh regardless of a shitty lemon candle. THEY'RE FUCKING HUNGRY! Would you let a nasty aroma stand in front of you and the best thing you could possibly eat? Absolutely not..... You'd close your eyes, pinch your nose, take a knee and finish munching that rug.

Next time you go on a camping trip you should bring one of these for everyone...

If that doesn't pitch your tent, then I don't know what will...

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