Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I Didn't Know How Much April Richardson Loved Guy Fieri

The lovely, and talented April Richardson expresses her uncontrollable disgust for the Food Network's #1 gluttonous wart hog, Guy Fieri.

I used to like Guy, but he led me down a nowhere road with a bogus Paella recipe no more than 5 years ago. I followed it step by step and two hours later the majority of my dinner guests landed themselves in the E.R. with food poisoning that would make Snow White's apple debacle look like gas pains. I hadn't seen that many stretchers since the warm up segment of "Buns Of Steel".

Now I kind of just wish Diner's, Drive In's, and Dives was less about him eating fried food and more about him standing in front of a firing squad.

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