Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Batmanning: Cool as shit or Paralysis Waiting To Happen?

Alright America, enough is enough. First it was Parkour, then it was Planking, now it's fuckin Batmanning? How goddamn bored are we? This isn't something any other generation of people could ever get away with. Imagine some punk ancient Egyptian kids trying to pull boredom-born stunts like this? Their elders wouldn't put up with it for a second--

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing there, Ramses?"

"I'm batmanning King Tut's tomb."

"Well whatever you call it, you look like you're just hanging upside down like a giant jackass. What are we not giving you enough chores? Get your ass back up on that fucking pyramid immediately and start moving rocks around. And after that you can go clean out Cleopatra's garage, and practice your hieroglyphics, you little shitstain. *shakes head* Batmanning...Gimme a fuckin' break."

What a genuine waste of time. We should be out creeping on bitches, making 7 figure deals and street racing crotch rockets. People love the fact that they have nothing to do these days and find absurdly dumb ways to pass the time. How do else you explain the invention of mancala? Or pogs? Or abstinence? Not to mention, one false batmanning move and congratulations!, you're the proud new owner of a snapped neck and a rusty wheelchair. Look on the bright side though, you're paralyzed! Now you really have nothin' to do!

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