Friday, January 6, 2012

Bus Rolls Off Cliff Trying To Drive On Worlds Most Dangerous Road

Taking the bus sucks, but taking the bus and rolling off a cliff into a 50 foot ditch sucks just a teeeeency bit more. What an absolute shit pit the world's most dangerous road is, huh? I'd love to know what song that driver had cued up on the radio while he was trying to navigate that fucking death trap. Rolling in The Deep? The Wheels on The Bus? DMX - Up in Here? You know there was probly 20 shit head "cool kids" in the back singing 99 bottles of beer on the wall, driving that poor guy beserk. It's hard not to want to drive into an abyss when you've got a bus full of pissy, uncooperative 12 year olds bouncing around, singing played out tunes and opening all the windows and shit. I completely understand this driver for going off the deep end.

Yea the road is bad, but I think most people with even average driving records could have pulled off that turn. I mean come on, you got through the treacherous part, you were almost home free with a straight shot. That either had to be a student driver or a wicked drunk bastard thinking that he was fine to take the wheel.

"No guys, I got it. I got it. Trust me I'm fine, I got it."

"Give us your keys, Harold. You've had ten mudslides."

Well...make that 11.

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