Thursday, January 5, 2012

Guy Proposes Then Literally Lights Himself On Fire

I'm not really sure how to describe this pure act of lunacy, so just check out the fucking Einstein in this video who lights himself a'blaze after proposing to his painfully average girlfriend.

Guy Proposes While Being Set On Fire - Watch MoreFunny Videos wrong with people.

What bothers me the most is that this guy is approaching the situation in the most ass-backwards manner possible. Wouldn't lighting yourself on fire be something you do if she says NO?! Buddy, the bitch said YES to you without any hesitation. The buck should stop there. Had she gone with NO, you could have sparked yourself up as a last ditch effort to get her to change her mind (which it never fucking would in a million years, but effort is effort no matter how misguided it may be.) Also if she said NO, you could have just lit HER on fire and saved yourself the embarrassment of the story getting around town. Instead of her running around telling her friends that she rejected your stupid ass it could have gone something like this.

"So how did the proposal go, bro. You gonna make an honest women out of her or what?"

"Well, she "accidentally" caught on fire, but I'm positive she was about to say yes."

"What do you mean "caught on fire?"

"I mean she caught on fire, dummy. She's torched. Toast. Fin-ee-to."

"That sucks man, You bummed?"

"Yea right, like I even wanted to get married anyway. You hungry?"

You just toast the bitch and take that secret to your grave.

This chick had to have been pretty worried a few days later after it sunk in. Like if he's willing to light HIMSELF on fire for a happy occasion, just what the hell is he going to do to HER after a not so happy one. She might leave the refrigerator door open by accident and find her Aunt Gretchen's severed left tit in the freezer two days later. Guy is capable of anything. I just wish he had forgotten to fill the kiddie pool with water.

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