Tuesday, January 24, 2012

By Far The Worst Church Singer In History

THE BALLS ON THIS GUY! He actually walks into a place of worship, claims to be fucking "famous", and proceeds to make Alvin and the Chipmunks look like Mariah Carey in her goddamn hay day. He sounds like Thomas The Train getting his caboose hole plugged with a fistful of pencils. I can't imagine there was anyone left in the crowd after his tune was finished. I haven't been to church in a dog's age but I guaran-goddamn-tee every single person who was present for this debacle switched parishes the very next day. Priests just straight up dropping out of the Clergy and pursuing a career where there was no possibility of ever bumping into this guy again.

"Father Tim, I didn't haven't seen you at mass in weeks. How have you been?"

"It's actually not "Father" anymore I work at a Coldstone Creamery in Budapest. I'm just in town to pickup the rest of my things. After Clay Aiken's creepy uncle maimed my eardrums I lost complete faith in religion."

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