Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Crazy Bitch Launches Internet Manhunt To Find A Dude She Met On Vacation

As if we needed any more proof that women are positively bananas...I would like to say that they never cease to amaze me, but that's not true. I have officially ceased to be amazed by the actions of crazy bitches. I didn't even bat an eyelash watching this video. Perfectly normal, par for the course stuff here folks. Some girls have a few screws loose, this bitch is missing the entire wrench set.

Really? An internet manhunt? Isn't this something you do as a desperate parent after a kidnapping? Or if you're the police looking for an elusive mass murderer with some vaguely descriptive nickname like the Freeway Killer or the Shoe Fetish Slayer? But no, this mental patient goes on vacation, meets a scumbag in a club, "sucks him off in the bathroom shares a single kiss on the beach", and then hunts his wifed up ass down. Classy. Sophisticated. Life isn't the movie Serendipity you whackjob. Let a one night stand be a one night stand. Don't start hash tagging #findingmartin on twitter when you should be hash tagging #findingmyshrink because you're an absolute screwball. I don't think Martin is missing out on too much with this girl anyways. Anyone who launches a worldwide internet manhunt has far too much time on their hands. She's probably unemployed, sitting around the house in her "fat pants", DVR'ing Antique Roadshow reruns while she caresses a throw pillow that she sketched Martins face onto with a glitter pen.

I'm hereby launching an internet manhunt for my left slipper. Last seen on my left foot 10 minutes ago. Potential location under the couch. $12 reward if found before 1pm. We had a magical morning together and shared a single walk to the bathroom at 9:45 AM. Please Help.

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