Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Arj Barker Comedy Festival Gala 2009

Say what you want, but the man is fucking hysterical. Arj Barker is underrated, plain and simple. He destroyed at the Comedy Festival Gala in 2009 and continues to bring down the house everytime he takes the stage. Click the link for tix to his upcoming shows.

He seems to think the sun has a problem. I think it's moon that has the fucking problem. Lunar eclipses are downright fucking rude. "Hey! Down in front, moon!" Fucking standing in front of someone like that? Apparently they aren't really teaching manners at zero gravity. Talk about stealing someone's lime light. Am I right? Am I right?

Can you say "only child" syndrome? Our moon is a spoiled, rotten brat. But you don't see Jupiter's MOONS pulling that bullshit. They learned the values of sharing, comeraderie, and brotherhood. It's more of an all for one scenario over there compared to our moon's ridiculously dickish attitude.


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