Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Squashing: Giving Fetishes A Bad Name

Ok. Um. Well. You see. The thing is...I'm speechless. Fuck it, just watch the video.

I thought I had seen a fair share of fucked up fetishes in my travels, but this one beats the shit outta them all. I can't believe that this is actually a respectable source of income for these chunky bitches. I'm sitting here grinding my ass off 13 hours a day in a stuffy office and these swamp donkeys are getting paid to do the VERY THING that got them fat as shit in the first place: sitting down and destroying ribs.

This bitch has ruined more lungs than Emphysema. There's gotta be easier ways to feel like a pancake, buddy. Pour some maple syrup down your shirt, or throw your dick on a griddle. Squashing isn't the answer unless the question is "Excuse me sir, would you please demonstrate how fucking INSANE you are?" How far south does your sex life have to go before you stoop to this shit? For a man to bottom out and resort to Squashing, it's gotta mean that there's no mammals left on planet earth that will fuck you, including pandas and that's sad because pandas are the nicest creatures in the world and would definitely pity fuck any old low life degenerate out of the kindness of their heart. But alas, you're so repulsive that the only way you'll ever come in contact with a warm blooded species again is by having her sit her bloated carcass on the one thing you'll never get back--your dignity.

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