Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Brutal Head Kick TKO: These Kids Are Fucking Morons

Nothing like a good old fashioned playful living room brawl that ends in a 10 year coma.

The kid who took the chin music deserves to wake up from his golden toe-induced slumber as a fucking vegetable. You never leave yourself open to a head kick! That's living room fighting 101. What happens when you do? You end up cold clocked on the rug in need of a neck brace and a speech therapist. Aren't these dicksuckers too old for slumber parties anyway? Saying "oh shit, nigga" and staging a half-assed MMA fight doesn't erase the fact that this has all the symptoms of a 3rd grade sleepover. All the kids in the living room, up way too late, no booze or chicks in sight, and a pansy brawl breaks out because you're all out of milk and cookies and ghost stories. This pussy got what he rightfully deserved. The only way this could of been more rewarding for me is if it happened to be Christmas Eve and just as the back of that 50 pound douche's head landed in the fireplace, Santa Claus took a big wet shit down the chimney.

1 comment:

  1. am i seeing things, or does the kid's back tattoo read "cheetos." i definitely heard a crunch at the end there...
