Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fecal Transplant Saves A Man's Life: Blood Trans-poo-sion?

Saving a life is no easy task. Sometimes it takes a miracle, sometimes it takes a superhero, sometimes it takes a stroke of good luck, and sometimes it's as simple as hitting up a qualified shit donor for a bold favor.

This guy has turned in his badass card for the rest of his life. The words "I don't take shit from anyone" can never again escape past his lips as long as he lives. I used to say that modern medicine never ceases to amaze me. Well my friends, it has officially ceased. Now it just disgusts me, not to mention freaks me out. This guy is strutting around town with someone else's crap in his intestines. That's outrageous. How do they even find out who's shit is compatible with who. Like, blood types need to match before they can proceed with a transfusion. Who is the asshole who has to examine human feces under a microscope and make sure they sync up. "Three corn kernels in this specimen and one....two......come on, gimme one more...YES!! Three! Three kernels in this one too. We got a match! Time to operate doctahhhh!"

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