Monday, November 21, 2011

UC Davis Dweebs Get Pepper Sprayed: Good Times, USA

God, I wish one of these cops was quirky enough to deliver a mediocre one liner along with that spray to the peepers: "Oh, UC Davis huh? Well now you CAN'T see Davis, bitches."

I absolutely LOVE what these cops did to those whiny, overprivileged toolbags. Um, if you're not gonna move when we tell you move, then we're gonna light up your fucking faces with a chemical agent that causes temporary blindness and severe breathing difficulty, capiche? What can I say, I just have a lot of respect for the tactic itself. In fact, I'm gonna try to start routinely working it into my everyday life. My girlfriend rolls over to my side of the bed in her sleep and won't move: Pepper spray to the face. Someone sits directly in front of me in an otherwise empty movie theatre and won't move. Pepper spray to the face. PS To The F is my new goddamn motto.

I'm just so sick and tired of everyone protesting. Nobody's happy. Everyone's fucking miserable and making sure everyone else KNOWS it. If you're a grown man sitting on the curb like a little cry baby pussy, bitching about lowering lunch prices or singing some bullshit hippie tune with your choad friends then you deserve to be taught a lesson. I don't even think the spraying was a harsh enough punishment. It's times like this that I wish tar and feathering was still in fashion. Sure, you'd have some asshole stumbling around campus like a sticky bird, but let's be honest UC Davis could use a new mascot. Goodbye UC Davis Aggies, hello UC Davis Fighting D-Bags!

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