Thursday, December 8, 2011

Moron Snowboarder Breaks His Leg Jumping a Street...Obviously

I don't know what it is, but there's something about hearing the CRUNCH of an idiot's bone break that just really puts me at ease. It's so soothing. It's like listening to my Rice Crispies snap, crackle, and pop during their milk bath. They should make a sleep-aid CD called "Sounds of a Stupid Failed Stunt". I'd throw that shit in the ol' clock radio boombox at 10pm and be Snoozin' Sarandon by 10:02. Sleepin like I just gotta outta spinal surgery.

I just get so much enjoyment from this video. I love how the kid keeps yelling to call 9-11. No shit there Shaun White, I think we all know that's the standard procedure. You're not re-inventing the wheel with that idea whatsoever. But the reason you're friend isn't doing it is because he's too busy soaking up the pleasure of watching your clueless ass on the side of the road, limbs dangling like a poor man's Humpty Dumpty. I mean, really buddy? Leave the poor guy alone. He's sitting there trying to video tape the greatest misfortune he's ever seen and you're screaming at him to start using his precious anytime minutes? Have a little class. Maybe a little compassion. I mean you might have snapped your shin like a twig, but aren't you forgetting that you ruined HIS day too? Now he has to drive you to the hospital and wait in the emergency room for 16 hours reading oudated magazines and drinking two dollar 7UP's from the vending machine to wash down that turtle shit tapioca they're serving up in the cafeteria, all because you wanted to soar across the street on a snowboard like some kind of invincible asshole. Well guess what, Knievel? You just went from X-treme to X-rays. Call me cold but I kind of hope this kid received a letter in the hospital from his girlfriend: "Ew, I don't date cripples. We're thru James. I'm moving to Europe with Darryl. He has two functioning legs...Well actually three, if you know what I mean *smooches* - Veronica"

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