Monday, January 9, 2012

Bungee Cord Breaks, Australian Girl Plunges Into Crocodile Infested Waters

"Bungee" is such a fucking fun word to say. BUNNNNNN-GEEEEEEEE. God, I could scream that shit at the top of my lungs all day. It's almost like there's nothing more fun in the world. Oh wait, there is -- WATCHING a bungee jumper's cord break and torpedo them into crocodile infested waters. Now that's just an old fashioned good time. Too bad there's no black people in Australia or else someone would have been unintentionally HILARIOUS by saying "Oh, snap!" in the background.

And talk about the street cred those crocs lost by not being able to get to this human Lunchable. That was a guaranteed delicious meal and they couldn't get the job done. It's pathetic. I mean come on guys, you're solely responsible for upholding this river's reputation as EXTREMELY DANGEROUS AND CROCODILE INFESTED and you can't even catch a full grown, helpless, Australian cheeseburger floating on your turf. Way to be a giant fucking let down. You're a bunch of out of shape pansies. Those weren't crocodile infested waters, they were pansy infested waters. No wonder this girl survived, she ended up in a river that's basically safer than a 3 gallon kiddie pool. What a croc of shit.

1 comment:

  1. Trolling the internet and writing anonymous hate posts on leisure blogs isn't childish? You my friend, are a big gaping pussy. Drop dead.
