Friday, February 3, 2012

Trainer Diddles 14 Year Old Boy, Goes To Jail For A Long Ass Time

ST. GEORGE A personal fitness trainer convicted of sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy she worked with during 2008 and 2009 was sentenced to a minimum of one and maximum of 15 years in prison Tuesday during a hearing in 5th District Court. Suni Faith Andersen, 36, of St. George pleaded guilty in November to two counts of forcible sexual abuse as part of a plea agreement. “I have to walk through the halls of my high school knowing that people know what happened, wondering what they’re thinking,” the boy told Judge Eric Ludlow. The boy said some girls have wanted to date him because he is “experienced” and when other boys have questions about sexuality they say “just ask (him),” he said.

I know a lot of people are thinking this kid is just a giant puss bag who can't appreciate the high school popularity that this hideous lagoon creature bestowed upon him by raping the shit out of him but I sympathize with you little buddy, I really do. I mean sure, he's the man at school right now, but look at the flip side, if you don't want someone to fuck you then you don't want someone to fuck you. It's that plain and simple. That has to be absolutely infuriating. Like I've had some stage 5 swamp donkeys try to put the moves on me before and "No" just doesnt seem to be in their vocabulary. It's so goddamn frustrating.

"You wanna take this upstairs?"


"Come on daddy, let's get naked."


"Why not, you don't think I'm pretty?"

"Not even close."

"But I thought you were drunk."

"Not drunk enough."

I mean this bitch looks like a platinum blonde rattelsnake. She couldn't be scarier if she had fucking fangs and a flamethrower. Her pussy's like an old junkyard, beat up jalopi's all over the place, chain link fences, barbed wire on her taint, a guard dog by the name "Sparta". If she tried to touch me my dick would retreat into my stomach immediately. This kid didn't feel like havin' sex, especially with some tired old personal trainer who hails from the depths of hell. It's not that he wanted his first time to be special, I just think he wanted it to be with a female.

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