Thursday, October 4, 2012

Girl Takes a Dump in The Shower - Dad Serves a Plate Of Cold Justice

Today – No parent truly enjoys cleaning up a child’s poop, especially when it lands outside of the safety of the toilet or a diaper. One dad took his disgust with the dirty work of parenting to the Internet. He had his smiling, pajama-clad daughter, who looks to be about 3, pose for a photo with a sign around her neck that read: “I pooped in the shower and daddy had to clean it up. I hereby sign this as permission to use in my yearbook senior year.” Now the unidentified dad who shamed his daughter for the world to see on Reddit is getting a dose of his own medicine. Thousands of online commenters have weighed in, with many calling him a mean dad who went too far, sapped his daughter’s confidence and violated her privacy. “What a terrible thing to do to a 3-year-old little girl,” Christine Davis wrote on Facebook. “The dad should be ashamed of himself! He should have to wear a sign that says ‘I have no compassion for my daughter.’” “This child WILL be scared for life,” Lisa Rougeux wrote on the Facebook page. “This is going to cause many, many issues in this child’s adult life!! He needs the child removed from his care if there isn’t a woman to teach him to be a real man and father around.”

Pissing in the shower has become second nature to me. It just makes sense. Pee is liquid, therefore it will drain when a drain is present - scientific fact. Shitting in the shower is an entirely different ballgame. It's completely unacceptable, I know it, you know it and this demon child knows it too. Poop is not liquid (that's the dumbest statement I've ever been forced to make) and therefore will not drain. Unless this girl was banking on a runny, liquid dump, then she can't possibly be justified in her actions.

She's not even at the age where she's gonna get a good story out of it. Like when you shit in the shower at 22 years old it's hilarious. You go tell your friends over beers, they might even annoint you with a cool nickname, but not this chick. Her 2nd grade girlfriends won't even know what's going on.

"Hey Caroline, put down your crayons. I have a funny story to tell you."

"Ponies, Ponies!"

"What? Okay, well I shit in my parent's shower this morning. Just cut a turd right on the fucking tiles. It was magnificent."

"Horsies and Bieber!"

"You're not appreciating how fucking golden this story is."

Dad made a great move here. Shaming the shit out of his little girl. I respect it wholeheartedly. I wish to Jesus that we could fast forward to her Senior year of high school and see how this thing shakes out. She'll probably grow up to be a smokeshow parading her ass and tits through the corridors at whereverthefuck High, smashing football players, smoking reds, popular as fuck, and the the day will come. Daddy will go into the archives, dig up the pic and the bribing will begin. He'll be holding that picture over her head for months before graduation. "Take out the trash, or I'll show your friends the shit shame pic." "Go to the grocery store and get your mother some blueberries or I'll expose you for the shower shitter that you are." She'll comply with every demand, knwowing that her popularity lies in the balance. And then, and as soon as she thinks she's in the clear, he'll leak the photo anyway because clearly he's an asshole. But when someone shits in your shower the gloves come off forever.

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